Most of my week has been about the Textile Exhibition at Gudhjem Museum. Local crafters are showing their work. It is a show of weaving, felting, patchwork, knitting - and - crochet!
I got photos of some of the exhibition before there pre-opening started and it got really crowded. I've sorted the images in crochet/knitting, weaving, felting and patchwork.
Crochet and Knitting
Another crafter and I had great fun setting up all the crocheted and knitted items. Actually I wasn't going to participate. Exhibitions are time consuming, but Rikke called me and persuaded me to join in. And I did enjoy it :)
We've worked hard to present everything the best possible way. And we are happy about the result. Of course we didn't make all the items ourselves. Local knitters and crocheters are very active here and Rikke has been busy for weeks, asking around if some would lend us a few of their treasured items. She has also organized mannequins, heads from friendly local shops etc.
The patchworkers make stunning blankets. And huge! Due to the size, some have special sewing machines and some stitch the blankets by hand. Amazing, right? Btw. I'm missing ONE important image, showing a huge green blanket that I really fell in love with. I'll see if I can get a photo of it in a couple of days and add it here.
I love the trolls and gnomes the felters make. They look incredible real and have fantastic facial expressions.
There are some interesting fabrics at the exhibition. I'm impressed by the patterns, that must take forever to make and were there is no room for mistakes or it will show immediately. Unfortunately my camera had difficulties with the dim light in the corners, so there are more to see, than shown here.
The Exhibition
The exhibition at Gudhjem Museum is still present during the weekend. Opening hours are 1pm - 5pm. If you by any chance are nearby Denmark, Bornholm, then go and see for yourselves. Photos don't always do the items justice and it adds so much extra to the experience, when you can feel the items. If you are lucky, you might even be able to talk to one of the contributors. Most are yarn-geeks in one way or another and like to tell more about their passion :)
If you want to go some other time, the speakers at the pre-opening made it sound like this exhibition is going to be a tradition around the Danish holiday General Prayer Day (da: "Store bededag"). So come visit our beautiful Island, Bornholm, next year.
I love to hear your thoughts :)
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