Yarn Ball Emoji

June 01, 2018

Weee. It is almost here. The one little emoji, we have all been waiting for.

Yarn emoji coming soon

The Unicode Char version 11.0 will be released June 5th. 2018. Ehh... it might sound very high-tech, but the main thing is:

It includes the approval of a yarn ball emoji - and a spool of thread emoji - for all electronic medias, applications, operating systems, search engines and www.

This sure is a long-awaited acknowledgement of the part of the creative world that loves YARN!

The Yarn Ball

The yarn ball will have the keywords Ball, Crochet and Knit. It will fill a gaping hole in the world of crafts. Now it is up to the rest of the IT world to make sure, we can use the emoji with our phones, on instagram, with Facebook, in different browsers and so on. Hopefully it will be implemented very, very fast everywhere.

With a little luck, the designers DO NOT put knitting needles in all the yarn balls. If you know a designer, tell them to keep the yarn ball simple. :)

Safety Pin, Basket...

Of other useful emojis I'ld like to mention the safety pin, a basket, a broom for the yarn witches and the infinity sign for those in love with the infinity scarves. The scarf, gloves and socks emojis were released last year.

Other usefull emojiis

There might be even more, you would like to know. You can check out more emojis here: http://www.unicode.org/emoji/charts-11.0/emoji-versions.html

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