Start a New Row with a Fake Stitch · I

October 05, 2016

Nice looking edges are important, if you want to make a decent work. But sometimes they are teasing. One of the better tricks to know, is how to make the first stitch in a row look good.
For instance: There are different advices of how to start a double crochet row. Some do two chains others do three chains. And - SIGH! - sometimes it feels like 2½ chain would be better.

There is actually an even prettier way to start a new row.
You can make a fake stitch. I'll show you how to do a fake double crochet.

  1. Pull out the loop. Just a little. Hold the loop with you index finger and turn the hook counter clock wise around the loop.
  1. This is what it will look like, when the hook is turned around the string. It should be tight. Yarn over (yo).

  1. Pull through one loop (double string).*
  1. Yo.

  1. Pull through two loops.
  1. Done! You made a fake double crochet.

*Did you notice? Step #3 is the same as turning the hook clock wise back in start position. The result is the same. So do whatever feels easier for you.

Final result is prettier. Here are four double crochet rows with a fake start stitch in the beginning of each row.


The technique can be used with a variety of stitches. Try it out and be a happier crocheter.


I've got more questions about the chainless row start. So I've written a more thorough blog post for you: The Chainless Row Start / Start with a Fake Stitch · II. You should read that - especially if you are about to work with half double crochet rows/rounds.

I have also created a movie for you, showing how to do the fake stitch.

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